Monday, May 25, 2020

Planting/sowing guidelines for the week of May 25

Hello Gardeners.  Your weekly to do list is at the bottom of this post.

This week looks to be awesome weather.  It will be sunny and check out that forecast high temperature on Thursday!  Yikes.  It’s a heat wave!  Then Saturday and Sunday a chance of showers.  

This is the absolutely PERFECT weather for getting your outside garden planted, seeds sowed and starts transplanted.  I know I’ve held some of you back  from going all in on the outdoor sowing but it’s time.   TIME I tell ya. Go for it!!.  

This past weekend the family and I spent about 6 hours total working on the squash layout next to the big greenhouse.  We used to have a chicken yard on this spot so I know the soil will be good and composted.  Plus this is at the bottom of our hill and the french drain that runs most of the year keeps the ground moist.  Add to the mix the commercial weed block/ground cover and we did it.  This has been in the planning stages for 3 years.  It just took purchasing a new DR. cutter to get it done.

As you start your sowing and transplanting be sure to label, label, label.  Did I remind you to label?  Please do label.  Especially if you’re growing out heirloom seeds for seed saving this fall.  

I scored an awesome flooring sample book at Scrap Humboldt in Arcata.  It cost me 3 bucks and I’ve used these flooring samples to label everything this year!  Since I’m growing heirloom crops and a lot of them I have been diligent at labeling.  

Find something that won’t wash away, blow away or the crows won’t carry away, ie painted rocks, cut out tags from milk cartons, cut up Venetian blinds the ideas are innumerable.  Use a permanent marker and be sure to add the name of the seed, approximate date planted and # of days to maturity so you can plan your fall garden.  I know, I know I’m getting ahead of myself.  But YES we will be sowing fall gardens. 

So what’s on the list this week. Here you go.  Be sure to Follow 

us and comment below with your questions or garden updates! Happy Gardening. 

There are no plants which need to be sown under cover or indoors at the moment.  Sow outdoors or Plant out.  Keep up on pest patrol and watch out for those nasty cucumber beetles.  They will chomp your seedlings down to nothing over night.

Potatoes (main crop)
Sweet Potato

For a more detailed list for sowing using soil temperature as your guide, Follow this link from Siskiyou Seeds .   

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